January 30, 2012

ASEAN test

Here's the link to download the ASEAN test - if you haven't completed it (which should be most Sec 2s and Scholars) please do so and hand it in to your PATROL LEADER on thursday!

Refer to this website (although feel free to search elsewhere!)

January 26, 2012


Hey guides! Here is the housekeeping form! Please submit it to Mrs Cheong by next week latest. Thank You!


January 24, 2012

26th January Programme

Hi guides, this is this week's programme. The programme is still being reviewed by the guiders but this should be roughly what you are doing. So please make the necessary preparations!

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting

Date: 26th January 2011 Time: 3.15- 6.15pm





3.30 – 3.45pm

Roll Call


Sparrow on duty


Patrol Time


4.00 – 5.30pm

Sec 2s

- Tentage Practical

(Wet weather: Theory test)


I/C: Tze Yi, Janice

Sec 3s & Scholars

- Firelighting Practical

(Wet weather: Theory test)

Field behind Guides Room

I/C: Josephine, Kimberly, Renee

Sec 4s

- Complete any outstanding guides clauses you have yet to complete

- For those who have passed everything, you can help the Sec 4s to clear their clauses

Various locations

I/C: Jing Wen, Mei Lin




Lecture Theatre


  • All Sec 2s are to read up on Tentage in the Guides Book
  • All Scholars and Sec 3s are to read up on Firelighting
  • Sec 4s are to try and complete all their clauses by the next month. Hence, make use of every guides session to pass your clauses, especially the outdoor skills
  • All those doing firelighting HAVE TO collect punk and kindling.

January 20, 2012

Hi Guides! This post is regarding announcements, so please take note!

1. Banner
a) Those who would like to help paint the banner, Shermaine and Emma would be putting a list on the guides board. So please sign up by next Thursday (so sign up during your recess). They will ask again during announcements on anyone who would like to sign up, but if you want to go home early and not spend time on these matters, do try and sign up during recess! Also, please try to sign up for the banner painting. It really is very fun, and when you see the completed banner, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment!

b) We need people to submit their banner designs, also on Thursday next week. Do remember that the theme is retro! Submit to Shermaine and Emma too!

2. Homework
For those who have not completed your Water, Gas and electric mains, please also bear in mind that you have to do that up, and submit to Janice on Thursday during patrol time. This will not take you more than half an hour to do, so please make an effort to do it!

3. Roll Call
Flowerpecker take note: Next week, you will NOT be doing roll call. Sparrow will be doing it, as they have not done it for a very long time. Thank You!

4. Make up tests
This is a reminder for guides who have failed their test/missed any of their tests to come to the guides room on Wednesday during common recess to sit for it. Please study for the tests beforehand as you will have 45 mins, and recess is only an hour. Message me by Monday latest if you are coming and what tests you need to take. Also, please note that this make up tests are for those who have missed the tests. If your whole level has not taken it, we will arrange a guides session for your whole level to do it. Be punctual.
This would take effect from the following week, 1st February!

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact any of the leaders!


January 18, 2012

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting

Date: 19th January 2011 Time: 3.15- 6.15pm






Roll Call


Dove on Duty

3.30 – 3.45pm

Patrol Time


3.45 – 5.30pm

Sec 2s & Sec 4s who have not passed Axemanship

- Axemanship Practical

Behind Guides Room

I/C: Kimberly, Renee

Sec 3s

- Gadgets Practical

Behind Guides Room

I/C: Janice

Those who have passed the tests

- Mass Testing

- Firelighting Theory Test



I/C: Mei Lin, Jing Wen, Tze Yi, Josephine




Lecture Theatre


  • Guides that have completed the Hosting Foreign Visitor, please hand it in to Josephine during announcements.

January 07, 2012

Conservation Test

Hi guides!

Attached is the conservation test - those who failed previously or have not taken it please do it and pass it to me during next guides session :)



January 04, 2012


Hi guides! This is the programme for tomorrow, for those that are not involved in the CCA Walkabout or for peer leading. If you are unable to make it for guides for ANY reason, please let the guiders know by putting a post it in their pigeonholes and please let your PL know ASAP.

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting

Date: 5th January 2012 Time: 3.15- 6.15pm





3.15 -3.30pm

Patrol Time


PL/PS to take attendance

3.30 – 5.30pm

Sec 2s



Flora and Fauna

Computer Lab

I/C: Tze Yi, Jing Wen, Emma, Ashley, Francesca

Sec 2 Guides, Scholars who have passed Flora and Fauna

& Sec 3s

Mass Testing


I/C: Mei Lin, Cara, Sarah Lewis

5.30 – 6.15pm


Lecture Theatre

PLs to retake attendance


- The I/Cs for Mass Testing will split up the guides into groups for their test and will also collate the clauses the guides have passed.

- PLs to bring your current patrol books and patrol books from the previous batch if you have one

January 03, 2012


Hi guides!

We are really sorry for not telling you earlier, but there will be guides this Thursday, 5th January 2012. Guides has started for the year. We ourselves only knew about it today, so we hope you have not made any arrangements. Only those with valid reasons will be entertained. Please submit your reasons to any of the guiders ASAP. As of now, this is the programme, but it is subject to changes. The confirmed programme will be up by wednesday!
Some PLs will be involved in the CCA walkabout that day, so the PSes will have to take over. PLs, please check your email tomorrow regarding the programme, and let your PSes know if they have to take attendance in place of you. PLs please take note as well, that if you are in the first shift, you are to attend guides after your shift. If you are in the second shift, you are to attend guides before your shift. You can leave at 3 to change into your uniform.
Once again, we are sorry! See you on Thursday!