Hello campers! These are the things you would need to bring for the camp and some stuff to take note of.
Things to note:
1) Report promptly at 7.30 a.m. on 11th June 2007 at the amphitheatre, SCGS in your Guide tee and school shorts.
2) You are not to bring valuables which are unnecessary. (E.g. I-pods, mp3 players etc.) Phones may be brought but should be turned on for use only at night.
3) Your patrols will be assigned to you on the day of the Pre-camp training, 7th June 2007, Thursday. Please report for the Pre-camp training promptly at 9 a.m. at the amphitheatre as well. The camp fee of $25 will be collected on Pre-camp training day so please remember to bring your money!
4) It is important that you bring the stated quantities of rags, punk, kindling and wood, twine and newspapers for the various uses in certain activities. Ensure that the punk, kindling and wood you pick is of a substantial amount and variety and that it is DRY and not picked the day before because it may be wet and will not burn.
5) Please bring your manito gifts too! If you don’t know what a manito is, you’ll find out during the camp itself! (:
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at pre-camp training!
Contact us at 97398985 (danielle) or 94564006 (suyi) if you’ve any questions (:
*The packing list is up on the Guide board already and will be posted up here by Wednesday if you'd like to print it out!
Thank you & see you on Pre-camp training day (:
Yup anw as Tiara said in the previous entry GOOD JOB FOR OPEN HOUSE! And I really think our CLs Tiara and Shiyun totally deserve our thanks because they worked soooo hard for this to be successful! So THANK YOU TIARA AND SHIYUN WE LOVE YOU!
And to everyone who worked so hard and diligently... the "bakers" who were maintaining the pits and cooking the pizzas so furiously, the "ushers" who led the visitors around the exhibit and managed to talk rubbish and buy enough time for them not to feel so bored while waiting for pizza, the "marchers" who marched so smartly and made the visitors nod with approval.
But it was tiring, no?
Oh ya and as Tiara said, KEEP THE GUIDE ROOM CLEAN because next time you'll be the ones having to stay back longer and packing up after your juniors so please set a good example :)
Okay take care, byebye!
Hey Guides!
Great Job for Open House today, thanks for all the effort and initiative put in (: I'm really proud of Sc Guides! Basically, we had a simple yet pretty gateway with pictures of all the Guiding activities, For gadgets, there was a shoe rack, a kitchen dresser (with the tiring diagonal lashes!) and a table. The visitors were impressed! Sec 1s, thanks for helping out at the spice room, ushering people in, and marching as well (I think we should thank the three commanders! Lecindra, Dominique and Carolyn! They did a damn good job (: and the sec2s! for volunteering to sacrifice their recess time to train you guys, this is the sort of initiative and commitment I want to see for guides alright?) and everyone is to keep the Guides Room CLEAN. Some of us (say thank you shiyun, li en, kimberly, e-hui, alberta, kristyn, tanya) stayed back and cleaned and sweep and tidied every single corner of the room. SO DONT MESS IT UP!Haha, I'll post all the pictures tomorrow.
And other stuff of great importance..
GGS Carnival Coupons!
Carnival coupons should be sold by a sheet ($5 each time), so it can be refunded if they decide not to use it. Money for the Carnival coupons would be due on Monday, 21st May. Please look for your patrol leader as they can't go all over school to look for every single one of you!
Best Guide Nominations! Voting would be held from Monday (21st May) to Wednesday (23rd May) at Miss Chan's pigeonhole. This is compulsory, just take a while to go to the staffroom, write a name and drop it in a box. How hard can that be? Right? Right. Recruits, if you're unsure about this, ask your patrol leaders about it alright?
Have fun at Enrichment week! (while the sec 4s have endless lessons. ): Chem. Test on Monday. Grr.)
Hey Everyone!
THERE IS GUIDES THIS FRIDAY! Meeting as usual, but we would be ending earlier (by 4pm!) so that everyone would be well-rested and come PUNCTUALLY Saturday morning at 8:30am. (:
Regarding Open House, everything would be moved back by half an hour, therefore, the reporting time would be at 8:30am. The first shift would be from 10:30 – 12:30, the second shift would be from 12:30 – 2:30 and the third shift would be from 2:30 – 4:30
Everyone has to report at 8:30am to set up the exhibition.
After open house, everyone(not just those on the last shift) is to meet back at the Bus bay to clear up!
Hey Guides, Open House Duties!
Duties | Shift 1 (10am-12pm) | Shift 2 (12-2pm) | Shift 3 (2-4pm) |
In Charge | Yong Shi Yun Woo E-Hui | Alberta Low Kimberly Loo | Kua Li En Tiara Winata |
Bring Visitors around the exhibition | Jessica Foong Elizabeth Zhang Joy Lee Jessica Teo Nora tan | Phang Jing Yi Olivia Yiew Nicole Chong Vanessa Ng Kristen Lau | Yip Xiu Hui Yap En Li Chan Zhi Ying Judith-Joy Cynthia Yiew |
Firelighting | Leanne Tan Kristyn Kong Han Shurou Wee Shi Jie Vanessa Seah | Tanya Trevethick Cheryl Lim Goh Yi Hui Koh Pei Luan Clarine Lim Cheryl Sekkappan | Clarissa Lin Amanda Toh Pamela Denise Yuen Charissa Tan |
Foot drill | Secondary Ones would be assigned to one shift next guides meeting |
All those in Firelighting, please start picking punk and kindling! Those bringing visitors around and doing Foot drill would have to be in Full Guides Uniform. Those doing Firelighting are to wear the Guides T-shirts with school shorts.
Everyone would have to report at 8am on Saturday morning, 19th May at the Bus Bay for the preparations regardless of which shift you would be doing. All Guides are to gather back at the bus bay at 4.15pm to clean up too.