October 08, 2013

10th October Programme

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting

Date: 10th October 2013       Time: 2.45 - 6.00 pm


2.20 pm

Sec 1s Report to the lobby


Have lunch before reporting

2.45- 3.00 pm

Roll Call


Flowerpecker on Duty

3.00– 5.00pm

Sec 1s

Trip to Singapore Discovery Centre


Mrs Cheong

Sec 2s

Gadgets Practical Test 

Area behind Guides Room

I/Cs: Alyssa

Sec 3s

Fire Practical Test

Field behind Guides Room

I/Cs: Rosa

Specific clauses

2GY Classroom

I/Cs: Fatin

5.00- 600 pm

Announcements *



  ·       Sec 1s: Please bring your water bottle, writing materials and a jacket! Please be on your best behavior at all times, but also remember to have lots of fun! J  You will be dismissed at 6.30 pm.

      ·       Sec 3s: If you have already passed the test/ activity assigned, please inform your PLs which test you would like to take in place of that by Wednesday and PLs are to inform one of the 6 leaders by Wednesday as well.

        ·       For those taking Firelighting, please remember to collect your PnK, and bring some newspapers!

      ·       Sec 3s, please have a heavier lunch during your allocated lunch break, as we will have to report for guides immediately after our last lesson of the day.

* We may or may not be having patrol time during this time. We will send out a relay with more details should we do so. Thanks!