Hi guides!
As you all probably know, dance concert is on the 23rd of June (the last Saturday of the holidays) and they need 16 ushers :) It will be from 6pm to roughly 10pm and I think you will get to watch the concert! Basically, what you will be doing is:
- selling programmes
- ushering
- serving refreshments
Simple stuff.
You will not get CIP hours however it will contribute to our PNA points :) So please please please volunteer sec threes!
You will not get CIP hours however it will contribute to our PNA points :) So please please please volunteer sec threes!
If you would like to volunteer, please tell your patrol leaders.
Patrol leaders, please send the names to me (franki) or if you don't know my number, send it to ashley.
If we have no volunteers we may have to roster you. So.... VOLUNTEER :)
If we have no volunteers we may have to roster you. So.... VOLUNTEER :)