July 01, 2011

obscure profis!

Hey guides! Here are the rubrics for all the profis brought up yesterday:)


1. Run 100 metres in 15.4 seconds.

2. Run 400 metres in 72.5 seconds.

3. Do one of the following:
3.1 Long jump 3.90 metres;
3.2 High jump 1.20 metres.

4. Do one of the following:
4.1 Throw discus (1.0kg) 15.0 metres;
4.2 Throw a javelin (600g) 15.0 metres;
4.3 Throw a short putt (4kg) 6.30 metres.

Note: All events must be judged in accordance with the IAFF Laws governing Track and Field.


1. Play:
1.1 The National Anthem from memory;
1.2 A march or folk dance.

2. Piano:
Play scales and common chord arpeggios in major and relative minor keys up to four sharps and four flats.
Play scales in major and relative minor keys up to two sharps and two flats and one octave of the open chromatic scale.

Note: This clause must be adapted for string players, but should not exceed in difficulty Grade 4 of the Associated Board examinations. The object is accuracy rather than speed.

3. Play two contrasted pieces, one by a classical composer and one by a modern composer.

4. Read simple music at sight.


(i) This test may include any instrument and is intended to meet the needs of candidates of widely differing opportunities. The pieces chosen must be properly played though there is no exact standard of efficiency; the test to be suited to the candidate’s age.
(ii) The tester may award the badge to a candidate who has passed a recognized musical examination at Grade 4 level or higher provided she possess clause (1.1) and (1.2).


1. Know the functions of the different parts of the camera. I.e. Lens, shutter and stops.

2. Explain briefly what causes the production of a negative and a positive (print).

3. Bring to the test ten photographs which she has taken, developed and printed during the previous nine months; the prints to be mounted in any of the usual ways. The subjects are to include at least five of the following:
3.1 Interior;
3.2 Portrait;
3.3 Landscape;
3.4 Architecture;
3.5 Action;
3.6 Copy of a photograph, a drawing or a painting;
3.7 Flowers;
3.8 Birds, animals, insects.

Describe the conditions in which the photographs in clause 3 were taken; how the negatives were developed and the prints made; what materials were used.

also, for those interested:


1.1 Tie each of the following knots neatly and correctly:- bowline, clove-hitch, donkey hitch, double overhand, fisherman’s, man harness, packer’s reef, round turn and two half hitches, sheet-bend, timber hitch.

1.2 Demonstrate the use of any three of the above knots chosen by the tester.

2. 2.1 Construct a tripod.
2.2 Demonstrate square, diagonal and snake lashing; make a gadget using at least two of these.

3. 3.1 Re-lay the ends of a rope.
3.2 Demonstrate three of the following: -
sail-maker’s whipping, west-country whipping, simple whipping, back splice, eye splice.

4. Make one of the following: lanyard, dog lead, string bag, hammock, or equivalent approved by the tester.

If you need any help, feel free to approach Mei Lin/Tze Yi/myself/Renée (respectively) for further guidance. Happy profi-doing!

