July 30, 2011

Accident Prevention

All guides who have not cleared their accident prevention profi, please use the National Day Holidays to complete it. Here are the rubrics. Please submit it by 11th August. Thanks!

6. Accident Prevention­:

  1. Describe, in detail and with diagrams where necessary, how to prevent accidents when around/ using:

§ Open fires

§ Electric cooking stoves

§ Electrical appliances

  1. Write about how to take special precautions in the house with:

§ Old people

§ Young children

  1. Write about 2 ways of preventing accidents when:

1. Boating

2. Bathing

3. On public transport, cars and bicycles

4. With animals

5. In high-rise buildings

  1. Identify potential dangers in one of the following scenarios, and briefly describe how to prevent those accidents.

§ A chalet barbecue in the late evening

§ A pool party

§ A chemistry lesson in the lab