May 08, 2007

Hey Guides, Open House Duties!


Shift 1 (10am-12pm) 

Shift 2 (12-2pm) 

Shift 3 (2-4pm)

In Charge 

Yong Shi Yun

Woo E-Hui 

Alberta Low

Kimberly Loo 

Kua Li En

Tiara Winata 

Bring Visitors around the exhibition

Jessica Foong

Elizabeth Zhang

Joy Lee

Jessica Teo

Nora tan

Phang Jing Yi

Olivia Yiew

Nicole Chong

Vanessa Ng

Kristen Lau

Yip Xiu Hui

Yap En Li

Chan Zhi Ying


Cynthia Yiew


Leanne Tan

Kristyn Kong

Han Shurou

Wee Shi Jie

Vanessa Seah

Tanya Trevethick

Cheryl Lim

Goh Yi Hui

Koh Pei Luan

Clarine Lim

Cheryl Sekkappan

Clarissa Lin

Amanda Toh


Denise Yuen

Charissa Tan

Foot drill

Secondary Ones would be assigned to one shift next guides meeting


All those in Firelighting, please start picking punk and kindling! Those bringing visitors around and doing Foot drill would have to be in Full Guides Uniform. Those doing Firelighting are to wear the Guides T-shirts with school shorts.

Everyone would have to report at 8am on Saturday morning, 19th May at the Bus Bay for the preparations regardless of which shift you would be doing. All Guides are to gather back at the bus bay at 4.15pm to clean up too.