July 05, 2013


Hey guides!

Here is a list of clauses which are really easy to pass and you can do it at home! Please try to do the clauses whenever you have the time so you can pass them faster! You can check with your PLs how to pass the clauses if you are unsure! Sec 3s, Please try and get your clauses fast because we all know the term will just get busier!!

  1. Hosting a Foreign Visitor
  2. ASEAN - We will post the test up on the blog soon.
  3. Rules of Health
  4. Health Related Diseases - Research on 2 health related diseases (e.g. diabetes, stroke etc.) and give a 3 min presentation. (6 minutes if done in pairs). You can present it to any of the six leaders just inform them before hand! You will also have to create a poster on health related diseases.
  5. Deportment and Conduct in Public - The form is already up on the guides blog! Just check the archives
  6. Public Speaking - Form will be posted up soon
  7. Cooking - At least 80% for Home Econs OR cook a balanced 3 course meal at home ( your parents will have to write a letter with details of what you cooked and comments. Please do get your parents to leave a number the guiders can contact them at in the letter)
  8. Housekeeping - Form is already up! 
  9. Recycling - Make 2 useful items out of recycled materials - must be practical, aesthetically pleasing and durable
  10. Water, gas and electrical mains
  11. Conservation - there are 2 parts but you can do one part at home! Do a scrapbook that includes research on 3 endangered animals and 3 endangered plants ( include habitat diet, current population and other background info, reasons for endangerment, how to help these species etc) and research on the background of origanizations that help endangered species
  12. Care of public property
  13. Emergency Calls - Requirements up on guides blog!
  14. SErvice to others - Do a service at the same external organization for a minimum of 6 hours and minimum 3 visits. ( Flag day does not count) OR have 120 hours clocked in under school CIP records.

Alright! there you go!! Good Luck! 
