We will be having the CCA walkabout this Friday. You will either be:
- Called back to help (man the booth, go around and tell sec 1s to come to our booth, serve marshmallows etc.)
- Stay back to do ONE THEORY TEST (Axemanship, firelighting or tentage). Only when you complete it can you leave. Study ahead of time!
- If you are not helping and have passed all the theory tests then you may either do a verbal testing clause and make full use of the time or you do not have to come down
For those who are coming back for theory tests, REPORT BY 3.00pm at the AMPHITHEATRE.
Here are the people called back and your shifts (report in the shaw hall):
2.30-3.00: SW1 - Wai Yi, Ashley, Franki
3.00-3.30: O1 - Wai Yi, Ashley
3.30-4.00: SW2 - Cara, Franki, Emma
4.00-4.30: SP2- Emma , Cara
Marshmallow committee: Kim will contact you
Test conductors: Sarah Lewis and Alexis
- PLs please contact your members and make sure they come
- All guides helping are to be in FULL GUIDES UNIFORM. LOOK SHARP.
- Those in the marshmallow com do not need to wear guides uniform, only guides tee and shorts
- Those in the first shift and Marsh Com you may excuse yourself early at 2pm to set up. Meet at the guides room. (tentative)
- There is no guides tomorrow!
See you on Friday! Lets hope we get good new recruits : )