September 05, 2011

Hostess Badge

Hey guides! I know it's the September hols now, and you all need to study, but we also need you to do a simple profi badge: Hostess Badge. The guidelines have been uploaded, but in case you can't find it, you can download it from Note that there are two parts. You have to fill in the Annex and also write 2 letters.

For those who have ushered during National Day, you need not fill in the Annex. You just need to write the 2 letters.

Other activities that you can use for this would be helping out in food reception during school events and such. BUt if you want to use this, your badge might take slightly longer to process because the guiders have to check whether you really did it! So my suggestion is just to host your family!

For those who were not involved in ushering, you can just simply host your family or friends, and get them to sign on the Annex. You have to complete BOTH the annex and the letters!

We really need your help in order to achieve gold for our PNA, so please do your part! Other guides who have completed this badge can also do some more profis to boost out PNA score!(:

Hand it in on the 15th of September. Thanks!

Thanks and happy holidays!(: