August 04, 2010

Thursday’s Programme - Edited

Hey Guides! The programme has been edited, so do take note.

Programme for this coming Thursday’s Guides’ Meeting

Date: 5 August 2010
Time: 2.30 – 6.00pm
Attire: Guides T-Shirt & P.E. Shorts

Time Activity Venue Remarks
2.30 – 3.30pm
Marching Contingent Non-marching contingent
National Day Preparation Sort out wood behind the Guides Room
Field/Area behind Guides Room I/C:
Mei En, Stephanie
3.30 – 5.00pm
Marching Contingent Non-marching contingent
National Day Preparation National Day Preparation – Set up chairs
Field I/C:
Jenny, Stephanie
5.00 – 5.30pm Announcements
(for those who attended the RGS Campfire/Flag Day 2010, be prepared to share about your experience)
Amphitheatre I/C: Guiders
  • Marching contingent to have a heavy recess or a good lunch
  • All Guides to remember to bring their notebooks for Announcements, as is the usual practice

Thank you!


P.S. Marching contingent, you made an improvement in the afternoon :)