Howdy everyone!
I've decided to make this post ORANGE instead of the usual black =D Anyway, to add on to Inez's post...
Great news! We're having Macs for lunch! So please bring sufficient money :)
UPDATE: The training will be from 8.30AM to 4PM, and everyone should be reporting at the Amphi :) Don't be late!
Also, besides writing materials that Inez has informed you guys to bring (see post below), please also bring your Guides handbook and thumbdrive. Try to come up with ideas for leadership and on areas-for-improvement. :)
PLs, I have just emailed you the default template for proposal writing, so please check it out and if you have any queries feel free to ask any of us on the 24th!
And lastly... PSes are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend this training too! We already have a handful of PSes who have given us their names, so if you're not one of them.. Fret not! Just give me/stephanie your name :) If you don't have our numbers, you can always just leave a comment in our tagboard!
For other info (ie. what to bring) please refer to Inez's post! :)
Meanwhile, I hope everyone is having a great holiday!