May 06, 2010

6th May 2010


1. Congratulations to the sec 3s who passed firelighting!

1. Ada Cheong
2. Jenny Chia
3. Jessica Tan
4. Teo Mei En
5. Kang Ru Ying
6. Inez Ow
7. S. Siva
8. Nicole Cheong
9. Kimberly Ang
10. Amanda Ang

Please look for either Carolyn, Amanda Tan or Charmaine Lim to sign your book.

2. The remaining sec 3s, please pick up at least 2 bags of dry wood! We will be having firelighting session again next Thursday. JIA YOU! Also, if you haven't taken your thery test yet, please look for Carolyn. Thank you!

3. Sec 4s, please remember to hand in your profi badges by this month!

Mrs Gan: Accident Prevention, Thrift, Hostessing
Mrs Cheong: Dental Health, Friends to Animals, Travellers, Readers,
Mrs Low: Local History, Intrepretators, Identifying Flora and Fanua

4. Please be reminded that June Camp is from 7th to 9th June. Please look for Mrs Gan if you want to pull out or sign up.

5. This is also a reminder to guides who did not come together. When you are absent for any guides-related session, you are required to email the guiders the reason why you are unable to attend. Also, a MC is required to cover you.


Thank you!
