Hey,it's me again, MANDI.
It's time for a more serious and solemn note. After saturday's campfire, I went home and thought about everything which happen within these 4 years in guides. Everything seems to be passing so fast, i remembered i used to hate going for guides and always finding excuses to pon. However, in sec 2, after moving into a funner and 'more alive' patrol, i started to find guides more eggciting. I then became a Pl followed by ACL, those were very difficult roles to be in, but it taught me alot like writing proposals, proposals and more proposals. Sometimes, i really feel that im kinda of a redundant ACL, im not really a good leader to lead a company. Im proud to say that im just a avid supporter from the back, just like supporting my favourite kpop group. Im really proud of the leaders of 2009/2010, they really made campfire 2010 a huge success, without them, i dont think it would be carried out so amazingly. Most importantly, i would like the thank the CLS,my fellow ACLS and the guiders for making my guiding life so memorable and unforgettable.
love, mandi.