February 21, 2007

Uniform Guidelines

Gong xi fa cai, xin nian kuai le, hong bao na lai!
(Okay I hope you all realise I'm just joking about the hong bao part but any kind contributions would be greatly appreciated.)

WOWWEEEE! The SGGA website actually provides guidelines on how the uniform should look like & where the badges go and stuff. I am very excited.


Okay don't forget to be in school by 6.30am tomorrow morning! Or at least be at the Peranakan garden by 6.40am in FULL GUIDES UNIFORM (see above website to check for stuff). Dont forget to sew your badges etc. on first, to prevent rushing to sew it all on and getting pricked by the needles in the process. Put your bags in the courtyard with your class!

Oh, and we can't change out of our uniforms the whole day. If one of us catches you not wearing your Guides uniform, you'll have to spend the rest of the school day in your birthday suit. :)

Hey hey hey, it's THINKING DAY!

How exciting!
(See what limited vocabulary I have...)

So, how's life?