May 29, 2013

an EMERGENCY CALLS for attention


Guides who passed EMERGENCY CALLS

Xin Ling

Those who did not pass, I would return the card to you and tell you what to improve on. Those who passed, please get it signed ASAP before you forget.
We’ve realized that many of your cards lack some info, and so this is a reminder of the standard information that should be included in your card:

FULL name and Chinese name (if applicable)
NRIC number
Date of Birth
Blood type
Home contact
Parent’s contact (name, relationship and number)
Close relative’s contact (name, relationship and number)
Police number
Nearest police post from your home (name of post and number)
Fire brigade number
Non-emergency ambulance number
Traffic police number
Doctor’s contact (name of clinic and doctor’s name and number)
Dentist’s contact (name of dental clinic and dentist’s name and number)

P.S. Make sure that it is REALLY waterproof, not just look like its waterproof because we actually test the card by pouring water on it.

Okay then, thanks!


May 28, 2013


Hey guides!!

Please follow the guides twitter account! it's very very cool and fun to look at! i'll even give you the link to save you the hassle of having to search for it:

Please, we want to get more followers so we can use it as a way share exciting and important news!


May 25, 2013

Hosting a foreign visitor clause!

Hey guides! Here's the rubrics for hosting a foreign visitor!

You have to:
  1. Write an invitation letter to a foreign friend inviting her/ him to Singapore and giving him/ her a brief description of the program.
  2. Plan the program for at least 3 days in which your visitor is here
  3. Give suggestions for 2 gifts you can give your visitor with pictures and why.
If you don't remember, it's due on the 10th of June (June camp) but for those not attending, please hand it up to any one of the 6 leaders by recess on the 31st, (preferably during break). If you are unable to complete it by the 31st, sms Rachel Chua telling her why


May 20, 2013

23 May 2013

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting 
Date: 23rd May 2013       Time: 3:15 - 6.15pm

3.15 – 3.30pm
Colour Party:
3.30 – 3.45pm
Patrol Time
3.45 – 5.30pm
Sec 1s
Tentage practical
I/C: Dinie
Sec 2s
Behind guides room
I/C: Sarah Yap
Sec 3s
Fire practical
Field behind guides room
I/C: Rosa
5.45 – 6.15pm

- Guides are to bring 1 full NTUC bag of punk and kindling each

- Sec 1s: Flora and Fauna due this week

- Sec 2s: Reminder to do hosting a foreign visitor

- Guides doing Fire practical are to collect 2 full NTUC bags of punk and kindling (in addition to the 1 bag that you are required to bring) or you will NOT be allowed to do fire.

- Guides are to hand in any outstanding homework (emergency calls etc.) by this session.

- Guides who have the Guiding Strains book (cream-coloured), please bring it along for every Guides session from next week onwards so that you can refer to it during Tuneful Thursday.

May 13, 2013

Things To Note

Hey Guides!
These are a few things that you take to take note of!

1) Please bring newspapers, perishable food items and Punk and Kindling for the Inter-Unit activity this coming Thursday, 16 may 2013.

2)Sec 1 guides are to hand in their Flora and Fauna Project by the 23 May 2013

3) Sec 1 guides also have to hand in their Emergency Calls Clause, which should contain: Name, Blood Type, Allergies, Date Of Birth, Address, Home number, Parents Contact Number, Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Non-emergency Ambulance and Traffic Police hotline, and the contact number of a close relative that is not living in the same house as the cardholder. This will also be due on the 23 May 2013. Please be reminded that it has to water proof, sturdy and will not fall apart!

4) Also please hand in any homework that was due before but you didn't do!


Axemanship Theory Test

Hey Guides!
These are the Sec 1 guides who have passed their axemanship theory test:
Alicia Tan
Amanda Gan
Ashley Lo

Even if you didn't pass for this test, you will not feel too upset and study harder and earlier for the next one!!


16th May 2013!

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting

Date: 16th May 2013       Time: 2.45 - 6.15pm

2.45 – 3 pm
3 – 3.15 pm
Bringing of materials to the field
Guides are to help bringing materials (e.g. chungkuls) to the fields. They should also bring their own food there.
3.20 – 3.30 pm

Sec 1s
Sec 2s
Sec 3s

Safety Briefing

I/Cs: Red Cross and 6 leaders
3.35  - 5.15pm
Outdoor Cooking
Field behind guides room
5.15 – 5. 30pm
Clean Up
5.30 – 5.40pm
Prize Giving
5.40 - 6.15pm

This weeks guides session starts at 2.45 so make sure you eat your lunch and assemble on time!
Remember to bring your punk and kindling!
Also, each patrol please bring 3 full sets of newspaper
If you want to eat your food, do remember to bring containers and utensils!
You will also be judged on presentation so do remember to bring necessary items!
Sec 1s: Don't forget that your Flora and Fauna is due on the 23rd!


May 08, 2013

Local Flora and Fauna

Hey Sec 1 Guides!

This is the rubric for your Flora and Fauna. Please hand it in by the 23 of May!

May 06, 2013

Guides Programme

Girl Guides Weekly Meeting
Date: 9 May 2013       Time: 3.15- 6.15pm

3.15 – 3.30pm
3.30 - 3.45pm
Patrol Time

3.45 - 5.45 pm
Sec 1s
Emergency Calls and Axemanship Theory Test

Computer Labs(to be confirmed)

I/Cs: Ashley Ang and Sarah Yap

Sec 2s and Sec 3s
-Water, Gas &; Electrical Mains,
-Care of Public Property,
-Emergency Calls Clause
4SY and F1-10
I/Cs: Vivien Shao and Rachel Chua

Guides helping out with Changkuling for the Inter-Unit activity

  Changkul   Practice
Field behind Guides room

 I/C: Rosa
5.45 – 6.15pm


- All Guides are to start collecting two full and compact bags of punk and kindling for the Inter-Unit activity.

- Sec 2 and 3 Guides who have passed the above clauses are work on a proficiency badge of their choice, which they should inform either Sarah Yap or Fatin Amirah about, by this Wednesday, 8th of May.

- Patrol Leaders please be reminded to collect and bring the food required for the Inter-Unit activity by this Guides Session.

- Patrol Leaders please update your members’ info and clauses onto the Google Docs as soon as possible. If you are unable to, please tell one of the leaders.

May 03, 2013

Quality punk and kindling!

Hi Guides! Here are a few tips to collect punk and kindling of good quality.

1. Leaves that you collect must be crisp and dry (test them: if you crunch them in your hands, they should crumble). The good quality leaves are those that crunch and crumble but still keep their shape. You usually collect brown and dried leaves, but remember, NOT all brown leaves are dry and so you have to perform the crunch test on the leaves first. STRICTLY NO GREEN LEAVES.

2. Twigs that you collect must be of varying thickness. You must have 4 distinct thickness of wood. The thinnest twigs must have a very great thickness difference from the thickest ones. You must always test the twig to determine whether it is dry (test: snap the twig and if it snaps easily, it is dry. If sap seeps out, then obviously it isn’t dry)

When you come for fire practical, you have to bring 2 FULL and compact NTUC plastic bags worth of punk and kindling or else you will not be tested. Also, you are to bring one FULL set of newspapers (containing all sections) for the test.

Do not wait till the last minute before you start collecting your punk and kindling. The weather may not always be in your favour so collect punk and kindling while the sun shines!

So do remember, do the crunch and snap test when collecting your punk and kindling!
Also, remember to read up before your tests and be familiarized with the steps.