December 11, 2013


Hello Sec 3s '13, please complete and submit your National Heritage Badge (if you haven't already) to Mrs Cheong ASAP! Thank you so much!:)

November 18, 2013

URGENT cookie sales

Hi guides, please take note of the following details regarding cookie sales.
Venue: TripleOne@Somerset.
Attire: Come in Guides Uniform
27th Nov Morning: 0945 - 1415 hrs
Suruthi, Alys, Tessa & Cleo
27 Nov Afternoon: 1400 -1830 hrs
Jessica, Therese, Celeste & Clara 
28 Nov Morning: 0945 - 1415hrs
Melanie, Chanah, Hidayah, Heather, Persis, Ashley
28 Afternoon: 1400 - 1830hrs
Jia Qi, Ciara, Denise, Andrea, Alicia
Please be punctual for your slots and also dress neatly in your guides uniform with all your badges sewn on and pinned on!:)

October 27, 2013

Holiday Homework 2013

Hey Guides!!

I hope you had fun during the interunit although it was tiring!!

For the Sec 1s and 2s, you all have to do 2 profis. Sec 3s, you only have to do 1 profi.

For the Sec 2s, one complusary profi that you have to do is your flora and fauna (THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN THE SCRAPBOOK) - This is for identifying flora and fauna! So on top of this you have to do another one as well!

Please hand in your profis on the first guides session of the year! we trust that you all will hand it up! If for some reason you really really really cannot hand up your profi, tell me and we'll see if I can you an extension or something. (I really hope i do not get any texts for this reason unless you really can't)

I hope all of you do not see the homework negatively, but see it as somehting that you can be proud of when you get your badge to be sewn on!

I also hope that all you have a fantastic holiday and use this time to catch up on syllabus as well as rest:) I look forward to the year ahead in guides and hope you all do too!!

Sec 2s, here is the instructions for flora and fauna (Unfortunately, this particular profi is not open to the sec 1s yet, but you can still do the scrapbook!)

Task and Objectives:
Guides are to form groups of 3 to 4. Within their groups they are to come up with a board game of sorts, which when played, will require the players to identify various types of flora and fauna. Any sort of board or card game is allowed to be created with various rules and regulations as long as they require the players to identify the flora and fauna. Guides will also have to take the durability of the game into consideration, as the game should be able to be played and enjoyed rather than just being there for show.

For example, you could have a monopoly style game board, where when you roll a dice, you move a certain number of spaces. When you land on a space, you may be required to pick up a ‘Fauna’ Card, where a picture of a bird or clues of a certain bird is given and the player is required to be able to provide the answer for what bird it is. If successful, the player can then move a certain number of spaces forward or receive some sort of compensation in the game. (This of course is just an example and this does not restrict the guides as to what type of game they would like to create)
Guides will be required to produce the game together with instructions and an answer key.

·      Do take note of the creativity and originality of the game as well as the design.
·      Question whether you would personally like to play this game
·    Question whether this game would actually be effective in learning about various types of flora and fauna.
·     Take note of the evident effort put into the game – whether it is well thought out or was it just last minute work?
·      With regards to creativity and originality, is it just a regular board or card game where you move across the board, or are they twists and turns? (E.g. in monopoly, there are treasure quest cards as well as actions such as go to jail)
·      The game does not need to be made of materials that are of high quality as we understand that the guides are not machines which can produce games of the quality of games such as the game of life or monopoly, the guides are required to produce something that can actually hold up enough to be played by various players.


-Very appealing to players
-Different from normal/expected games
-Quite appealing to players
-Different from normal games

-Somewhat manages to capture players’ attention
-Similar to other games
-Slight originality
-Very similar to  other games
-No originality at all
-Did not show effort in creating a different game
-Accurate Content
-Substantial content that allows players to show understanding of flora and fauna
- Informative for players
-Mostly accurate though some mistakes are present
- Shows well researched product, effort put into this project
-Good effort in trying to portray the identification of flora and fauna
-reasonable amount of research done and information presented
-Very brief content mentioned, shows some effort in showing the identification of flora and fauna
-Very vague instructions
-Game is hard to follow
Engagement of players
-Engages players fully
-Players have fun
-Want to play more/interested in game
-Players are mostly engaged throughout the game

-Players do not pay full attention to the game
-Gets distracted sometimes
-Players get bored or distracted easily
-Players are uninterested and bored

October 24, 2013

Packing List and Attire for SJI Inter Unit

Hey Guides!

Here's what you need to bring as well as the proper attire!

Friday, 25th October 2013, Day 1:
Attire: Dark Colored School Based Shirt and School Skirt
To Bring:

  • Water Bottle (Stay Hydrated!!)
  • Pen
  • Your Consent Form!!!!!!!
  • An extra Shirt and Skirt/ School Shorts
  • Your enthusiasm, cooperation and teamwork!
Saturday, 26th October 2013, Day 2:
Attire: Guides Tshirt and School Skirt
To Bring:
  • EZ Link Card (with money)
  • Money for lunch
  • Water Bottle
  • Poncho
  • Cap/ Sunscreen/ Mosquito Repellent (Optional)
  • Pen
  • Your enthusiasm, cooperation and teamwork!
Do remember to bring the necessary materials and a positive mindset! (and your consent form this is super important!! It's on asknlearn)

Unless your reason has already been approved by a guider/ teacher in charge, we expect full attendance and an MC is required if you are unwell.

Do check your messages on thursday and friday in case of any last minute relays!

Also, we trust you all to behave appropriately and show to the SJI Scouts truly how amazing and skilful the SC Guides are!!! 

Hope you're all having a great holiday (for the sec 3s, hope extended is well; or as well as it can be)


October 21, 2013

SJI Inter - Unit Groupings

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Carolyn Chiam
Ashley Ang
Darren Wijaya
Nur Adlyn
Chi Min
Glenn Lau
Simon Wong
Dawn Long
Darren Tng
Nur Sabrina
Alethea Tang
Chloe Ong
Tessa Ling
Amanda Gan
Rachel Lim
Cleo Lee
Ashley Lo
Denise Ong
Persis Gan
Annette Koay
Melanie Herve
Chanah Cheo
Jessica Lee
Nina Neo
Jia Qi
Christy Goh

Xin Ling

Kimberly Tan

Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
Group 11
Group 12
Sean Lim
John Alec
Alevia Khoo
Jeng Siang
Qi Yang
Siu Whye
Natasha Tey
Ethan Chua
Emma Chai
Rachel Huang
Vanessa Teo
Alexis Tang
Nicole Ch’ng
Clara Tay
Ong Sze Yinn
Andrea Lim
Ciara Macdonald
Chong Gin Ee
Alicia Tan
Heather Lee
Myndi Cheong
Alys Chia
Victoria Yong
Celeste Ling
Geraldine Zhang
Therese Chan
Ariel See
Rachel Nicole Tan

** - Group I/Cs
** - SC IP Students – will be missing first day of activities