I was supposed to blog once Jan was done with the skin, but since Jan and Cherylyn has updated already, I shall add that extra touch! (sorry, though, for not updating earlier!)
Enrolment & Campfire pictures!!! (=(=(=

And I can't believe we have stepped down!!!!! It's a depressing thought. (I shall avoid the topic for now... till farwell (; *hint*)
Anyways, I've updated the "leaders section" too!!! All of us can't wait to know the new CLs, and ACLS!!!! (i'm sorry, I'm totally biased!) and of course, who's taking what patrol!!!
Go leaders! (and all guides too!) We have faith in all of you to do well and make the company (and Guides) ultra fun and enthusiastic! Blow all the guiders away!!! And us too, when we come to visit you next year!! Is this too far ahead? Heh.
Have a blast!!!
I'll (We'll) miss you!!
Cheryl <3.Hello dear guides, jan here!
as cheryl said, GO LEADERS and GUIDES!
congratulations once again to Melisa, Denyse, Mun Ling, Aishah, Joy, Judith, Nicole Chan, Wern Ching, Vanessa (x2), Kristen, Cheryl S, Natalie, Audrey, Carolyn, Christine, Charmaine, Mei Yin, Frances and Amanda.
Under the guidance of your new leaders, guides, our wish for you is to keep raising the standards of guides. :)
New leaders, may you guys be very bonded and efficient. When you organise things that go well, feel proud about your achievements and celebrate :) don't forget to take away learning points and continue to improve. You'll definitely have fun and satisfying times, and there are the not-so-nice times too. But whatever you do, don't lose faith. keep striving, and when you pull through, after a while, you'll see everything was not as bad as it seemed.
The guiders might sometimes expect a lot from you. You might get fustrated when working with them, but try to see things from their point of view. There might be disagreements, ...but too bad :P muahaha.
if you guys need any help, we'll be there for you. and remember, INVITE US BACK EVERY YEAR FOR CAMPFIRE.
:) with this, i leave you in good hands. All the best, Leaders of 2009.