March 31, 2007
so, listen up!
All Secondary 3s and 4s guides would be mobilised! Once you have safely reached the track, inform your class rep of your attendance and immediately start helping with the crowd control of the primary school.
For crowd control, we have to
- assist teachers in ensuring pupil's attendence
- get pupils to squat/sit in orderly rows
- settle pupils down and lower the noise level
- bring injured students to the first-aid area
To make matters simple, we have assigned 1/2 guides per class! You are to hold the laminated sheet of paper with the class name so, therefore. no primary school students are supposed to be standing up at all. Direct those with knee problems/allegries etc to your level ic (the cls/acls) and we would settle them in a corner at the bus bay.
Please check the Guides Board asap for the class allocation and who your level ic are. The EEE on Thursday didn't go so well (like compare crowd control of primary school and secondary school!) and like so we guess that there would be another coming up really soon, so just understand what you have to do alright! great! hahha
March 30, 2007
Those interested in dancing for opening item during campfire, please approach Sheeren Woo or Denise Yuen. This is open only to Secondary 2s and 3s guides (: You need to give your full commitment to it, like attending practices and rehearsals!
Those who are interested in emcee-ing for campfire, please sign up in twos or threes with either Jan Kwek, or Leanne Tan. Emcee auditions would be on Monday or Tuesday after school in the Guides room or on thursday (upper sec recess) for those who can't make it for the first two! Emceeing is really fun! ahha. seriously. and you get to pass public speaking and apply for the speaker's badge!
please submit any banner designs you have for campfire to either Sarah Chen, Jessica Foong or Phang Jing Yi by Monday! we know we have really talented and creative guides within our midst! so ya.. BE A COOL GUIDE, DO A DESIGN!
Theme: Dreams
Dimension: 5m length. 7m width
Cloth Colour: White!
SPORTS DAY 8 x 50m!
all those interested in representing guides for sports day, come to the track on monday morning at 6.50am! yes, guides have good runners. so we must win this year! everyone who's free just come and try running the weeny teeny short distance!
Sports Day Marching Contingent
(all secondary three guides)
There would be practise during recess on tuesday and thursday next week. Meet at gallery 1 at 11.20 SHARP. This is compulsary alright. There would also be an additional practice on Monday, after school. Please be at the track at 3pm ok. Wear pe attire/guides tshirt. and please dont forget everything we've taught you! great job today :D we can really see the effort and improvement!
Please bring your uniform on Wednesday for the combined practise with other uniformed groups. Put your bags in the guides room and have make sure you had a full meal and drink plenty of water before it k. Please be in front of the Guides Room at 2.10pm wearing the full uniform including your beret (hat thing). thanks!
March 15, 2007

Your panel of judges!
Hi everyone :) Hope you all enjoyed the camp!!! Hahaha E-hui's reflective entry is so... reflective. Read it! If you have any feedback just tell us personally or via the tagboard/e-mail, k?
Yup so now that camp's over, just wanted to remind you that we all CANNOT SLACK ok! Especially with CAMPFIRE coming up! Hahaha. And...
Anyone interested in marching for the NDP 2007?
As in not the school one but the one at the new floating stage thingy at Marina Bay!!! It's a once-in-a-lifetime oopportunity that I'm sure you'll enjoy :) Only Sec 2 and 3 Guides* allowed, though. (Yeah so sad right?) If you're interested, e-mail me at loo.kimberly@gmail.com, latest by Monday 20th March, because the selections are on 24th March (Saturday). So yup e-mail me, and I'll tell you the details and stuff okay?
* The criteria are as follows:-
1. Level: Secondary 2 & 3 Guides ONLY (Guides from Sec. 1 & 4 will not be accepted).
2. Singaporeans or PR
3. Minimum Height: 1.60m
4. Have basic knowledge of foot drill
5. Not suffering from the following illnesses – asthma, vertigo, angina, gastritis, allergic to
heat, not able to stand in the sun for 20-30 minutes, allergic to perspiration (rashes), weak ankles, etc.
6. Guides who are severely overweight (>130%) or severely underweight (<70%)> before participating.
7. Participants MUST be able to attend at least 80% of the training sessions.
8. Guides who need to be away for long periods from Singapore during the June school vacation are advised not to participate.
Okay. Once again, tell me by 20th March yeah? :)
Enjoy (what's left of) the hols!
Have you finished your holiday homework?
(Go listen to Runaway Love by Ludacris ft. Mary J. Blige!)
March 11, 2007
post camp
Hello! Hope you all enjoyed the camp. Sorry to all those who got freaked out during Nightwalk. We didn't expect ourselves to be that scary, but now I guess we did meet our "objectives" of the game! (what's nightwalk if it ain't scary?) To those who poked fun at the ghosts: ehh it's not easy being "ghostly" ok... we tried really hard not to laugh! And.. Who's Allison ahh... Nobody in particular really. HAHA sorry to disappoint you all. xP
Mm, I think the camp was a really good experience for all of us, a good lesson for all the leaders, and loads of fun for the rest. I hope all the patrols took the time to become really bonded, because we will need you guys to work well together in the future. Guides is nothing if we aren't all "sisters" (ref to guide laws, or ask the SEC1s!) who care for each other and display teamwork and cooperation. We can't function as 2 companies if only our CLs are working... That's why the camp was a lot better on the second day - because we all worked hard to keep to the schedule. (haha so much so that we were REALLY early.. hope your parents didn't complain about having to come so much in advance)
btw, the mistake in the orienteering qn, something about U2 and G2000, I apologise on the behalf of the leaders in charge of it coz I don't think they had the chance to do that. But nevertheless you guys managed to come up with the correct answer!
Good job to all those who got the top few prizes (originally we didn't have anything for the rest, but since we had bread, we though we shouldn't leave you out in getting a "reward" xP), and it's really nice to see those who were near the bottom, trying to get more marks through all the cheers. It really brought a smile to our faces. And the skits were really cute, definitely of a lot better standard than others we have done in previous camps.
Ok, now that camp's over, would like to wish you all happy holidays, and over the week, please (work hard and) PLAY HARD!
March 06, 2007
Camp Packing List!
Sufficient for 2 days.
(2 or 3 sets?)
2 Shirts (School-based)
2 Shorts
1 Long pants/track pants (optional)
1 Windbreaker (optional)
I set of PJs
Facial wash
Personal medication
Sanitary pads (where applicable)
Money (about $10)
Water bottle
Writing Materials
Do not bring:
Entertainment kits
Excess money
A maid
3 days to camp!
Are you prepared? :)
Don't forget your $5 if you havent handed it in already!
Okay see you, enjoy (what's left of) the last week of term 1!
Time flies, doesn't it?
March 02, 2007
Everyone, please pass $5 to your patrol leaders BY Monday (:
Those who have not collected a consent form, print one out, and pass it to me or shiyun latest by monday or you wont be allowed to go for camp!
Tingting, Evelina Kok, Yasmeen, Priscilla Seah, Cheryl Wong, Davinia, Foo ying, Mun Ling, Wee Shi Jie, Nicole Chan, Xiu Hui, Shayne Goh, Charmaine Tiong, Abigail Leong, Sarah Low, Yap En Li, wong Su Hui, Sheeren Woo, Kristen Lau, May Moe Thu, Shyaza, Amanda Lui, Lecindra Lim
